Can't find a retailer/base tenant in the Retailer Showcase List?

Q: Help!  I'm trying to create an offer, but can't find my retailer in Retailer Showcase.  What can I do?


A. There are a few items that could account for the missing retailer.  The retailer may need to be added to your mall's directory, the retailer may need to be created as a base tenant, or you may need to adjust the search terms you are using to find the retailer.  Here's more information.


The retailer must be added to your mall directory.

For retailers to register for the Retailer Showcase, and for Simon Employees to post offers on behalf of a retailer for a mall, the retailer must be added to the mall's website directory first. If you are a retailer and you need your store added to the website directory, please contact the mall's Director of Marketing and Business Development.

Users with Simon Central accounts, and the permission to edit content on the mall's web page, can do this (this is generally the Mall Marketing Manager or Marketing Admin Assistant).

To add a retailer to your mall, follow these steps (Simon employees only):


  1. Log into Simon Central
  2. Press Manage Consumer Website Content
  3. Go to the store directory of the mall directory you want to update
  4. Press "Add new tenant"
  5. There will be a search bar for the base tenant that has a drop down list that populates with potential matches for your search term
  6. Complete the local tenant's profile and publish it to the directory

If you need a store added to the directory but do not have access to do so, please call the IS Helpdesk at 1-(877) 435-7850, and ask them to update your Simon Central account permissions.


The base tenant needs to be created.

Can't find the base tenant when trying to add it to your mall directory?  The base tenant profile may not exist. You can request one be created at 


You need to adjust the search terms you are using to find the retailer.

If the retailer is already assigned to the mall directory, but you can't find it in the Retailer Showcase, try adjusting the keywords for your search.  Make sure that you are looking at the same BASE TENANT name as the store in your directory.  Sometimes website managers will assign the retailer to the wrong base tenant, and change the DISPLAY NAME in the local tenant's profile. When you try to find the retailer in Retailer Showcase you may be looking for the display name that appears on the website rather than the base tenant name.  

Here's an example:  You try searching for the term "Sears Outlet", but no retailers appear.  Try changing your search to "Sears" instead.  "Sears" and "Sears Outlet" are considered to be different base tenants, and only one may be assigned to your mall property.

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