How do I remove a tenant from my mall's website?

Q: How do I remove a tenant from my mall's website?


A: You can remove tenants from your mall's website through Simon Central.  Here are the steps.


  1. Log into Simon Central at
  2. Click "Manage Consumer Website Content".
  3. Go to your mall's home page.
  4. Search for the tenant you would like to remove, and go to the tenant page.
  5. Click "Edit Tenant" on the left side.
  6. Go to the bottom of the screen that appears, and click "Remove".
  7. Click "OK" to confirm that you would like to remove the tenant.


The tenant will no longer have a detail page, nor will it appear in your tenant directory.  If the change doesn't appear automatically, wait an hour for the changes to go through, and then check again.


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